Bizdev Workshop agenda

A typical BizDev Workshop starts with a first-day agenda like this one, which is customized for your company’s stage of development and your target market and customer.


Welcome, Introductions, Objectives (CEO)

Team Exercise: What is your Target Market definition?

  • Who will be your paying Customer?
  • What is your customer benefit?
  • What will it take to win in the Target Market
  • Is your company committed to this Target Market and Customer?

Case Study & Discussion


Discussion: Assumptions & Risks

Interview (s) with Target Market Customers


Team Exercise: What is the Product Roadmap?

  • Now: Demo
  • Soon: Development Tech
  • Eventually: Shrink–Wrapped Product/Solution
  • What does success look like at each stage?

Team Exercise: What is the Whole Product?

  • Hardware & software
  • Backend
  • 3rd Party Interfaces/APIs


Team Exercise: Roles, Responsibilities & Action Items

  • Roles & Responsibilities
  • 90-day objectives for each team member
  • New SaaS tools required
  • Outbound customer plan & action items in Trello/Asana/Monday/Jira

Common Options

  • Additional customer interviews
  • Develop & launch outbound customer campaign DURING THE WORKSHOP
  • Customer meeting plan: questions & objectives