CRM for Startups in Under 5 minutes

When startups begin working with customers, one of the first questions they ask is, “What CRM should we use?” Everyone knows they should use a SaaS solution to track and communicate with customers and prospects, but the huge number of choices in CRM is daunting. And nothing saps startup productivity worse than an extended evaluation of SaaS tools (and expensive implementations and long learning curves...)

These two questions will help you figure out the answer: 

1. How are you managing communications now?

If you answered, “We do everything via email,” you’re not alone. Probably the most common path taken by startups is to purchase Google GSuite (formerly Google Apps for Business) to quickly give everyone a solid email and online apps solution at low cost.

2. How many customers do you need to close to get to your next funding round? (or other milestone)

If your answer is under 30 customers, then that means you need to engage with fewer than 1000 accounts (hopefully a lot fewer!) 

If you are using GSuite and want to quickly implement a powerful CRM, consider Copper:

  • Implementation takes literally minutes

  • It works inside your GSuite/Gmail inbox, tracking all of your customer communications

  • You can review every interaction (phone, email, meetings, etc.) that your team has had with a contact or account

  • You can send email campaigns right from your GSuite/ Gmail mailbox, and it tracks who opens your email and links (see When the CEO Reads Your Email 120 Times)

Sales teams like Copper because it helps them do their job without making them do any extra work. If you do not have a CRM in place now, there is no faster way to get started. 

(If you are concerned that Copper is a startup, Google Ventures is a major investor in Copper, formerly known as ProsperWorks.)
