When the CEO Reads Your Email 120 Times...

When the CEO Reads Your Email 120 Times...

When the CEO Reads Your Email 120 Times

Recently we sent out the first of a series of informative emails on behalf of a client. Our campaigns are fully instrumented so we know exactly when people open emails and what they click. We watched on the campaign dashboard as prospects read the email, often opening it more than once to study the information and follow the links.

Avoiding Startup Heartbreak

Avoiding Startup Heartbreak

Avoiding Startup Heartbreak

Since we started offering business development services in 1991, we’ve worked with a lot of new products, new companies and new markets. Here’s a summary of the 200+ startup products we’ve worked on.

37% of the products we validated with customers were either fundamentally flawed or completely off base. As often as not, this was not a surprise to our client; sometimes they had retained us just to confirm their suspicions.